How do I buy more License Seats? #
If you require more Seats on your current License please, Submit a Support Ticket.
We will assist you with all the available licensing options.
License Seat Explanation #
Our license model is based on how many of your users are marked as Active.
An Active user takes up a single seat. You purchase x number of seats on your License.
So if your license was for 10 seats, this would mean you could have an unlimited number of people with an account but only 10 of those people could be marked as Active.
Only Active users can login, we do not restrict the number of concurrent logins, and all Active users can login at the same time.
Furthermore, we do not restrict your users’ permission levels; you select what amount of access your users should have.
Finally, we also do not restrict access to the modules; you pay a set monthly fee for the modules and can assign access permissions to any and all of your users at no additional cost.
The above example shows that 10 seats are used out of a maximum of 50
(I.e. There are 10 active users currently and can have up to 50 in this example)
Benefits of this License Model #
- Unlimited Users
- Concurrent access to all Active users
- No restrictions on module, permission or role access
- No additional or hidden costs, simply pay for the modules and seat numbers as required.
Need a user to be added just to fill out a survey?
Easy, add the user, active them using 1 seat, let them fill out the survey and then de-active them again,
(Note: You only need to add/sign them up ONCE every subsequent time they can use the same login, just Activate the said user)
Additional Information can be found on: How to Add a User